Friday, October 03, 2008

Still Here? Sept 10

Last day in Stonington

You’re Still Here?

I did have my doubts if I would ever make it to Jeddah at all. The not knowing and lack of consistent communication from school was the hardest part of the wait. When I had to start calling to ask about flights and passport, I started getting agitated and that is not a pretty sight. Not sure where the bottleneck was in all of this but the flood gates started to open on Thursday September 4 when six of the ten visas were stamped at 4:30pm and then Fed-Exed before people were flying on Saturday the 6th. Talk about being ready at a moment’s notice. Some of us new hires felt like we were doing the baby drill with having bags packed waiting by the door for when we heard, “it’s time”.

Mind you, we have been waiting since the start of August thinking we would be there by August 16 to prep for a week before school started. School has started and current elementary teachers were subbing for the middle and high school classes while other subs were in their classes. I think there was one too many sub steps in there. I have been very fortunate to have my friend Michele covering for me for the last three weeks. Luckily she is the 5th grade teacher so the 6th graders are adjusting to middle school with her guidance. She is not use to teaching high school students or algebra so she has been a saint needing lots of chocolate for surviving this type of torture. From what I gather, they have not been an easy bunch.

Now that I have my passport in hand and flight reservations, I should be in Jeddah by the 12th going via Rhode Island to Chicago to London to Jeddah. Time to get a pencil out for my new mailing address noted below. Feel free to use it at any time. I still like getting mail the old fashion way. Plus, I use the cards and postcards as pictures for the walls.

American International School of Jeddah
c/o Rebecca Tumicki
PO Box 127328
Jeddah 21352
Saudi Arabia

Here is the website for the school if you want to check it out:

By the looks of things, once I land and get fetched from the airport, this time around it is only a 30 minute ride into Jeddah versus the five plus hours of wait and drive time for the last school, it will be heads down until December 4th when the winter break starts to get caught up with all the school work.

I am at the airport in Rhode Island now waiting for the 11:20 flight to Chicago recalling the year off. During that time I was tested on many levels; physical pain, mental anguish, calculus, teaching knowledge, bus routes, and patience. I was also blessed with incredible adventures, new friendships, support from family and friends and time to be.


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